Using the bathroom is one of the most potentially dangerous tasks we undertake in daily life.
Figures indicate that more accidents and falls happen in the bathroom than any other room in the home. Specifically, getting in and out of the bath and shower and getting on and off the toilet.
Yet so little thought actually goes into providing the appropriate support equipment which can reduce that very risk and make it a safe haven, for both the user and their carer.

Getting The Right Equipment
Having appropriate equipment and fixtures can enable an individual to continue to undertake their personal hygiene routines as independently as possible, for as long as possible. Having this equipment and fixtures in place can also give additional support to carers too, this is equally as important as an injured carer is not able to care and will consequence in the investment of further resources to continue care.
When care is needed, proactive planning creates a safe living environment for all involved, reducing the need for unthought out reactive care, which can involve anything from healthcare services, in patient hospital admissions, care or nursing home admissions and/or additional domestic care support.
In the bathroom, the first area that should be addressed is the toilet, it is used more than any other fixture therein. An important part of any support system, from commodes to grab rails, is to make sure there is a stable support structure, the floor must be level to eliminate the risk of trips and falls and enable commodes or shower chairs with casters to wheel effectively over the floor and for walls to be suitable for load bearing, strong enough to withstand the load and to be suitably and securely fixed.

Grab Rails
Sometimes, items such as simple grab rails can make a significant difference to help an individual feel secure when going to the bathroom, it must also be within a comfortable distance to eliminate having to stretch to reach which creates the risk of overbalancing and falling.
Grab rails are an obvious start to support in the bathroom, however, support is a much wider area.
Individuals can have support arms fixed to or adjacent to the toilet, there is also the option of having a commode that goes over the toilet which not only assists the user getting to get on and off the toilet but also ensures that they are sat safely whilst in use.

Other Options
Another option for support in the bathroom is a toilet lifter, which may provide an additional level of stability when getting on and off.
The Komodo, electronic shower chair commode’s remote control enables the user or carer to control, lift, and tilt. If the user of the chair has control over their lower limbs, a tilting motion enables the user to re engage their leg muscles to stand up. A toilet lifter enables the user to have a sense of independence whilst using the toilet.

The Bath And Shower Risks
Stepping over the bath or into a potentially slippy shower tray can also be a risk of accidents and falls. With Komodo the user is able to sit in the chair, be wheeled into the room and able to shower themselves or be assisted with no risk of falls or injury to either the user or the carer.
Assistive Technology Helps
With the correct assistive living technology, going to the toilet or using the shower can be done safely and with dignity and respect, not just for the individual in need of the assistive living technology but also for the carer too.